Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

요청된 번역물 - Chrove Dahl3

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 2개 결과들 중 1 - 2
원문 언어
영어 Dear *...*
I don't know why I haven't said it before, I guess I was just shy. But here it comes. I really like you, I like everything about you. I think about you all the time, and everytime I see you, it just feels so right! Yes, I have a crush on you, and I'm wondering if you feel the same as I do?
Please help with translation, it's for a friend of mine in Quebec, Canada. Translation to French (France) or French (Canada). Thank you.

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Cher *...*